24 Apr 2009

Cant wait!

I love Zooey Deschanel! Okay I admitted it. She is actually amazing, I would love to be her, shes so quirky and cute!

But her new film, well she has two because shes a busy bee, looks amazing!!

but Joseph Gordon-Levitt hasn't changed since 10 Things I Hate About You. Which was such a good film but it was 10 years ago, and he looks exactly the same!! BUT don't you think he has a smidgen of Heath Ledger about him?! But it comes out on 30th October this year. So in the mean time her other new film which comes out on the 19th of June to looks so good too!

et tu? :):)

1 comment:

MarshmallowMad said...

Heyyah :)
I went and saw 500 days of summer yday - i thought of you :) Lol :)

Twas a good film, not the best, but not bad either. But the girl who Zooey plays is a really bitch. :)
