30 Dec 2008

Guess whos 1 year old today?


Wowwie! This year has gone in a whirl wind!!

Hope you had a good year too :)

29 Dec 2008

Merry, merry

Well Oh Gosh Christmas went in a flash here this year! But it was really great because all the family came to ours! The Brother came on the Monday and it was really nice to him again because it’s been sooo long since we all saw him. Then the others came on Christmas Eve too.

Which as usual we spent at my God parents eating lots of yummy things and exchanging gifts. But it only really felt like Christmas until the eve which was rather unusual because I feel Christmassy about the week before but I think maybe because I was rather ill before that I just wasn’t in the mood.

But Christmas day we all slept quite late, ate quite late and staying up quite late! We only ate late because the Head Chef in the house forgot to put the beef in the oven- I think maybe because of all the festive cheer J my brothers God parents came round in the afternoon to swap presents which was great fun!

But Santa brought all the right presents (Which I know is rather hard when you’re at the age when you have KNOW CLUE WHAT YOU WANT?!)

Thank- you for all the lovely presents and a lovely lovely day with a little over eating and giggling a little too much!

A few of my favourite things right now (while not getting properly dressed this week)

~The glow of the decoratons at night

~Eaing leftovers and having mince-pies for breakfast :)

~Winter light when going for walks

~Playing with great new toys

20 Dec 2008

The tree is up- FINALLY!

Well the festivity has started a little late around here this year!

The trees only went up this weekend because I was really ill last weekend with a flu/cold thing. But because of having my nose done the doctor made it VERY CLEAR that I can’t get infection because it could break my septum?! So none of us did much this weekend which was rather sad because everyone else in the street has there’s up and they all look lovely :)

The one in the front window is the traditional fake one with white lights and the red and gold colour balbues with lots of memories in all the other decorations. The other one in the back room is a lovely real one- it was huge! We had to cut about 8inches off the top hehe

9 Dec 2008

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

..my own DeviantART page. Well I’ve been wanting to start selling and letting people know that I want to sell my jewellery.

I started to make button earrings in summer 2006 and I haven’t really stopped since. I love making them all because they are all really unique and usually made for the special people in my life. But last summer I started making bracelets using buttons but now I’m making them with dominoes, ring pulls from cans and beads. The brooches I have made I think are my favourite, they are just so cute and they can make any plain top look great!

I haven’t really set prices yet for most of them, however I’m thinking about £3-4 for all the earrings plus postage and about £8-9 for the bracelets and a little more the necklaces.

My page is called http://ooh-and-aah.deviantart.com/ Hopefully there will be more going up and when I learn how to use it will look better !

(This is my favourite brooch using 6 buttons)

This morning I went to the hospital and had my cast taken off my nose. Although the BIG reveal was a little disappointing at first. After a few hours I actually really like it. It’s a little pointer at the tip but to be honest it’s much better than I ever thought it was going to look like- which is always good :) Pictures will be coming soon but its just the swelling that needs to go down and the redness from the plaster need to go and then- the WHOLE world can see my new nose :)

3 Dec 2008

December Already?

I can’t believe I haven’t actually blogged in just over 3 months!! Where did October and November go??

But let’s not think about how I never manage getting round to doing anything productive large or small!

There wasn’t much I can remember about September apart from the fact I started college! Which now I’ve been there for 4 months I really really like it! Just how it’s so much relaxed and productive compared to school and you can walk in and out whenever you want and wear whatever you and basically do what you want- all in the name of art of course! :)

What we have been doing is actually great fun! So far!! We’ve been on lots of trips already which is great because everyone complains about how few trips there are at schools and when you go on them there always educational and dull! But these are fun fun trips!!

Although it happened REALLY quickly, so quickly that I forgot to tell some people- WHOOPS! but I had my nose done- yes as in plastic surgery! But it really did need doing!! It was wonky and I couldn’t breath through it- yes very sad indeed- especially when you cannot do sport well because you have to breathe through your mouth :( But on the 28th November all my problems had melted away! Even now after few days I can see the difference even though there is still a plaster cast on it and a bit of bruising, though not as much as the doctors told me there would be- but they do prepare you for the worst! The cast comes off hopefully on Tuesday next week and I’ll be able to see my nose even though I imaging there will still be bruising and swelling around it!

We break up from college on the 13th but because of my nose and having to recover and all that jazz I’m off now until after Christmas- which is in 21 days and 11 hours! and I have done no shopping for anything cards or presents! I usually go shopping with my god parents each year getting up really early to get to Laskside just as it opens and having pancakes and syrup in McDonalds and shopping until we practically drop! Its and tradition :)

But from now I will get around to blogging more and doing more industrious things in my time- Auf Wiedersehen!