22 Mar 2009

Please come with me.

I have no clue why but recently I just cant be happy! I'm just sad and its turning summer and I should be happy but just cant!!

Monday morning was sunny and really warm and I was very happy then but once I got to the train and into college I just wanted to go home and cry. I decided to go for 3D when choosing our specialisms, and today was the first day in our groups, but this however led me to being a fish out of water and being by myself and having to find new friends in people I recognised but didn't know. The girl I have been getting closer and closer to in the group before has move to fashion, but with about 5 people we knew and were good friends with, but she didn't seem happy with the move either.

Tuesday we all went to Rochester on a trip thingy to see some historical thing (good description I know!) and I was walking with a boy who I was really good friends with before and he just left me and disappeared, when we were going in, so I was left to walking around the museum by myself. I walked past a group of friends that in the first term I was really close to, but now I just seem really distant. I don't find anything they do funny when everyone else laughs and they all go out to house parties and gigs and just don't ask me. Yes I did distance myself, so maybe it is my own fault but I cant help but thinking they didn't like me much either. I sit and talk to them on the train, talk to them when I see then in passing but just don't sit with them at lunch or break anymore and now I think I have lost them for ever, just because I sit with other friends at other times.

But last week they gave indications that they went out and had a take away but they were talking about it to the group of us and I was like "AM I NOT HERE OR SOMETHING!?" then this Friday there were going to one of theirs houses and it was just like we have never either spoken to each other before and that we didn't know each other!

And to top it all off, Ive texted my best friend from school the other day and she hasn't got back to me, yes she may not have any credit and yes she may be busy with revision but she has my bloody home number she could call that or speak to me on facebook!

Am I just being really childish and pathetic, that some people are just not talking and wanting to be with me. Its just I have never felt more alone ever.


Nina said...

Aww this made me feel depressed -i hope everything is okay


MarshmallowMad said...

Oh, Aleex!
I hope you are ok?
LoveYouuX <3

ps if you need a chat you know where to find me :):)